Church Well Check


It's about churches

For more than two millennium, churches have been a significant part of the human and divine experience. It's in worship that most of mankind experiences the wonders and majesty of the divine and although it doen't have to happen in a church, it usually does.

About Church Well Check

The church is the body of Christ - God's heart, hands, feet, and voice - reaching out to people who do not know Jesus. The Congregational Well Check is a practical tool given to pastors and church leadership members to help gauge the wellness of a congregation based on their theological mission: "The work of sharing his message about peace" (2 Corinthians 5:19, CEV). The Well Check gauges how well the church is positioned to fulfill this mission in five domains. This tool takes a comprehensive look at congregational activity, attitudes, relationships, and structure in each of the domains. The result provides a profile by which leaders can highlight areas of strength in the congregation, and further pinpoints where conversations need to take place.

Just as the human body needs to have periodic "well-check" appointments with a physician, it is good for the church body to pause in the course of ministry to conduct their own well check. This tool will help inform the leadership team of the congregation. You will undoubtedly be affirmed by the many good things in place in your ministry, but also accept that there is no shame in acknowledging areas of improvement. These areas are to build strength for the continued growth of your church body.

To gauge current wellness, fifteen statements in each of the five broad domains of congregational life are made. Leaders agree or disagree with each statement. The statements are not exhaustive, but rather indicative of critical behaviors and approaches to ministry in this 21st century. The five domains include the following.

  • Mission These statements explore missional energy and clarity of the mission.
  • Community These statements probe how the church relates to one another and the world.
  • Corporation This domain assesses the organizational structure of the church for suitability relative to ministry today.
  • Means The means represent the resourcing and tools needed to advance the mission of the church.
  • Staff The Staff are the God-appointed leaders of the church. This domain represents all individuals who maintain a paid position in the church, including pastoral staff.